Sunday, October 4, 2020


 Dear Fruit Snack,

It has been a year since we learned you were coming.  At the time we didn't know when you were coming or if you were going to be a boy or a girl, but we were excited just the same! This is the story of Mommy and Daddy learning we were going to have a baby.

We had been hoping and praying for a baby for about a year.  I kept track of baby signs in my body and would get excited each time there was a "maybe" sign.  But each time it was a false alarm.  This time was the same.  I had just had my yearly doctor's visit.  Dr. Roberts always asks if we are trying for a baby and what the signs were.  This time, I got to say, "Yes we are trying and there are maybe signs." It was still a little early to check for sure, but after Dr. Roberts said keep an eye on those signs, I couldn't help myself.  I went home after the doctor's visit and checked. It said:

I was so happy! I cried while wondering, "What next?!" I first had to tell Daddy.  He wasn't home yet because he had gone out to dinner with some work friends.  I had to think how I was going to tell him. Was I just going to blurt it out, or do it in a fun way? Fun way, of course! Then I got on the internet and ordered this shirt set. But it was going to take a while to come in the mail and I couldn't wait that long to tell Daddy. So I went to Plan B.

Plan B started with me and Hero going to Kwik Trip. I got Daddy an apple pie.  My plan was to say that Hero ripped the box, so that is why the pie was out of the box and on a plate.  The only part I had to fib about was that I let Hero rip up the box. I wrote on the plate, "Sorry I ripped your box, Love Hero," but under the pie it said, "but you're going to be a daddy!" So Daddy would see the sorry part right away, but not the daddy part until he ate the pie. Pretty simple, right? Not with Daddy!

When Daddy got home, he did his usual stuff like look at he mail.  I was sitting at the table with my phone ready to take pictures of his reaction to the hidden message. To Daddy, it just looked like I was playing a game on my phone.  Here is a picture of Daddy reading the mail...out loud to me.  The pie and plate is sitting on the counter next to him.  At this point he hadn't noticed it at all! Finally he noticed it and thanked me for getting him a treat. Then we decided to go to bed.  Since he hadn't eaten the pie yet, I suggested that he should eat it that night so it wouldn't get stale since it was out of the box that Hero "ripped." So he took the pie to the bedroom with him.

Once we got all set for bed, we crawled in and were getting ready to go to sleep.  At this point, I know you are coming and am busting at the seams with excitement for Daddy to know.  But he isn't cooperating with my plan! I keep my phone out this whole time, waiting to capture his face when he figures it out, but it is taking forever! Thank goodness he never got suspicious. Finally Daddy decided to eat his pie...without reading the plate!

I about lost my mind with secret frustration with Daddy! He had seen the outside message on the plate, but didn't notice there was writing under the pie.  I finally had to say, "Can you please read the message on the plate?" This was SO not the way I wanted this great news to come out! Oh, well. Finally he rolled over to read the plate that was now on the floor and looked back at me and asked, "What?! Really?!"

Finally Daddy knew you were coming and we could celebrate together! We were so happy, excited, joyful, and every other good emotion! We didn't tell anyone else for a while, though.  We kept it a secret while we made sure you were healthy and found out when you were supposed to come. I'll tell you those stories later.

Mommy loves you.
Daddy loves you.
And we will always love you,
no matter what!

Sunday, September 13, 2020


 Dear Snacky,

This is the story of the day you were born.

I had been having problems sleeping for months.  Having you in my tummy gave me heartburn which made sleeping difficult, especially on my side.  I also had quite a big tummy with you and your extra large swimming pool in it, so sleeping on my stomach was out of the question! So around 2:00 in the morning, I was awake and playing a game on my phone when I noticed that I had a pain every so often in my lower tummy.  It felt like the "girl pain" I used to get once a month. My doctor had told me that I had already been having contractions for a couple weeks, but I hadn't notice them until now.  I started keeping track of how long they lasted and how often I got them.  I kept track for about thirty minutes and then my water broke! It felt like I wet my pants, big time! I immediately woke Daddy up and started cleaning myself up.  I think Daddy was pretty nervous, but he hid it pretty well! I also texted Mimi, who was sleeping downstairs. She had come to stay with Daddy and me to help us since we had never been parents before. 

As I was getting cleaned up, we called the hospital to see if we should go in yet, or wait at home for a while.  They said it was our choice, so we decided to wait at home.  While we were waiting for the contractions to come more often and get more painful, I ended up sitting in the shower because the extra large swimming pool you'd been swimming in for months kept leaking out! Around 4:30, we decided that the contractions were close enough, and painful enough, to go into the hospital. We left Lola, Holly, and Hero with Mimi, and left the house a family of two humans for the last time. 

After riding in the backseat (I don't remember why) to the hospital with Daddy, the nurses showed us to the room where you would be born.  I got hooked up to machines that would make sure you were still safe and healthy, while Daddy got comfy.  When we first got there, they said that I was 4ish centimeters dilated. Dr. Prior, who wasn't supposed to be my doctor, but she was the one working that day, came in around 7:00 am and said that I was around 6 centimeters. By then, Daddy and I had turned the tv on to Bar Rescue, and were trying to watch while my contractions were getting more and more painful. They were so bad that I decided that I wanted some medicine to make it hurt less, so they gave me a shot.  I don't think it worked!

Later I decided that I wanted the "Big Needle," to really make the pain go away.  By then I had rolled over on to my left side and closed my eyes because it helped a little.  It also helped to hold on to someone's hand.  At first it was a nurse's hand, but then Daddy came to the rescue.  A special medicine doctor had to come in and tell me all the rules of the Big Needle, but I don't remember most of what he said because I was concentrating on the pain.  It didn't matter anyway, because I never got that medicine. He had to help other patients first, and you were born before he had a chance to come back.

Soon after he left, I started to feel like pushing would make the pain go away.  The nurses, doctor, and Daddy helped me roll onto my back (and away from the edge of the bed!), and I started pushing.  The nurses held my legs out of the way, the doctor waited for you to come out, and Daddy let me hold on to his hand.  I held on so tight that he thought I might break his thumb. His thumb also went up my nose a couple times as I was holding tight near my chest.

The tummy pains and pain of pushing hurt A LOT! I even yelled, "Owie!" a few times! I also yelled at Dr. Prior to stop touching me because I thought what I felt was her helping you come out, but no one was touching me at all. Since I had my eyes shut and I was concentrating on pushing, there are some things that I don't remember, like how long I pushed, so you'll have to ask Daddy.  But soon I pushed one last time, and you were born! Daddy says it was a good thing that I was laying on a bed, because if not, you would have landed on the floor! 

Once you were born, Dr. Prior saw that the umbilical cord was around your neck, but she quickly got it off and Daddy was able to cut the cord.  I don't remember the "It's a boy!" moment that you see in them movies.  I just remember seeing the doctors and nurses take you over to the baby checking table to clean you off and check that you were okay.  They weighed you, counted your toes, and helped you breathe for a while.  Once you figured out the breathing thing, they said you were perfect! You were 19 inches from head to foot, and weighed 6 pounds and 11 ounces. You were smaller than Daddy and I expected you to be, but still perfect!


Mommy loves you.

Daddy loves you.

And we will always love you,

No matter what.


 My Sweet Boy,

Right now, you are sleeping in the next room.  I've checked on you, using our video monitor, a couple times now since putting you in your crib for the night a couple hours ago.  Since I'm having trouble falling asleep, I've been watching videos on Facebook.  A couple videos came up that talked about babies being born sick or into families that don't want them.  They all made me cry. I can't imagine carrying you for nine months, and then not being able to be your mommy afterwards. I can't imagine how a mommy or daddy could live without their sweet baby, especially a sweet boy like you! I know there are many reasons for their decision, but that is one that I'd never want to make.  I also can't imagine you not being the perfect boy you are.  Daddy and I will love you no matter what, but I feel extra blessed that you were born perfect.

Speaking of being born perfect, I make sure you read about the day you were born.

Mommy loves you.

Daddy loves you.

And we will always love you,

No matter what.


 Dear Fruit Snack, It has been a year since we learned you were coming.  At the time we didn't know when you were coming or if you were ...